DFE Performance Tables

The government publish school performance tables ('league tables'), each year.  

Academy@Worden Performance Table
Progress 8 score -0.39
Attainment 8 score 38.3
Strong pass in English & Maths (Basics 5+) 33%                                      
Standard pass in English & Maths (Basics 4+) 54%
Entering the English Baccalaureate   37%
Achieving the English Baccalaureate (pupils that were entered for it) 67%*                                                   
Achieving English Baccalaureate (whole cohort) 26%
Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment 91%**

*The percentage of pupils that entered that achieved the Ebacc
**2021 destination figures (figures always 2 years behind)

Useful Links

View the Performance Data on the Gov.uk website