What is The Zone?

The Zone is a lunch time club which is held in one of our classrooms every lunchtime (1:20-1:50pm) for pupils who prefer the quieter surrounds to eat their lunch. Pupils can meet their friends in there, or, better still make new friends! There are a variety of board games that can be played ie- Chess, Connect 4 and Uno, to name a few.  

We have computers in The Zone so our pupils can complete homework or do some research and play games. The Zone is supervised by a member of the Learning Support team who are also on hand to give advice and help to pupils .

At 3:05pm, when school finishes, the same room becomes the Homework club, again supervised by the Learning Support team, where help and advice can be given to pupils who may be experiencing difficulties with their homework, or need a quieter place to finish their homework - it's also useful for those pupils who do not have a computer/laptop available at home.