At Academy at Worden, we believe every pupil has the capacity to succeed at school. In developing the skills and attitudes necessary for a successful future, Academy at Worden is pledged to provide opportunities in and out of the classroom for EVERY pupil to experience the joy of success.

At Worden we are committed to rigorously pursuing achievement through high expectations in an open, positive, and caring climate.

Our Home-School partnership supports this mission.

1.    The Parents

I/We will:

•    See that my child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped;
•    Use School Synergy as the main method of communicating with school;
•    Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour;
•    Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour;
•    Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning;
•    Attend parents’ evening and discussions about my child’s progress;
•    Access School Synergy to keep up to date with school events and know about my child’s life at the school.

2.    The school will

•    Use School Synergy as the main method of communication with parents/carers;
•    Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment;
•    Let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour;
•    Send home regular assessments and reports via School Synergy;
•    Set, mark, and monitor homework and provide facilities for children to do homework in school;
•    Arrange Parents Evening during which progress will be discussed;
•    Keep parents informed about school activities through regular letters home, newsletters, and notices about special events via School Synergy.

Home-School agreement

Updated: 07/06/2024 701 KB