We want to involve pupils in the decision-making process at Worden and there are a range of opportunities for pupils to help form and guide our community in all aspects of Academy life. Pupil Voice is a key component in shaping the classroom of the future.

The School Council

The School Council is led by our two Heads of School Council.  They form part of the Senior Leadership Team of Prefects in school.  

School Council Representatives Years 7 – 11 

Each form in school elects a school council representative to ensure all views are represented.  The council members are responsible for representing the views of their form in discussions on a range of areas of school including charities, facilities, school canteen, behaviour, extra-curricular opportunities.  

Peer Mentors

Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 work can submit applications to join our peer mentor group.  Pupils support our transition process during the first term, working in their house groups to support and mentor our new pupils.  Peer Mentors also support a range of House activities throughout the year, helping the Head of House organise events and run activities.  

Wellbeing Champions 

Pupils are invited to apply for a position of Wellbeing Champion and each form in school elects a representative who receives training to offer a range of support to their peers.  Wellbeing Champions are expected to work with staff to raise the profile of positive mental health within and beyond the curriculum.