Meet the Headteacher

Welcome to Worden! I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of such a successful and continually improving high school. The Academy plans for an innovative and personalised curriculum which provides a stimulating education within a friendly and supportive community.

The Senior Leadership Team has been at Worden for many years, helping shape its direction and working towards our shared vision for Worden to be an outstanding school where:

  • All pupils achieve and are recognised as unique individuals with specific talents and needs. Pupils only get one chance and we take very seriously our role of providing the best possible opportunities for them to gain the most from their time here.
  • Excellent teaching encourages intellectual, creative, technological and physical growth. We aim to develop our students’ ability to think independently, solve problems, communicate effectively and live happy and fulfilling lives.
  • Pupils are motivated and recognise the joy of achievement in a safe and orderly environment.
  • Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s education and in the life of the school in general.
  • The pupils' experiences provide opportunities to become tolerant, resilient and respectful. Pupils are encouraged to develop the skills required to face the challenges of the future.
  • Pupils experience a range of enrichment within and beyond the school day and in the community.

Alan Hammersley


Meet our Head Prefects 

Hello! We are honoured to be appointed as Head Prefects for the academic year 2024-2025. We believe our school values every person in our community and creates an environment where pupils, like us, can thrive. Over the years we have both faced challenges, both physically and mentally but the school has consistently been here to support us.

They have provided a host of services and accommodations to assist everyone and anyone, no matter how they may be deemed as different. All of the staff are caring, invested in our success and willing to help in any way they can. 

Recently the school has undergone changes to our outside area and buildings, and improved our quality of learning. We can't wait to see what they do next! 

Emily and Katie

Head Prefects
