Homework is an integral part of the learning process at Worden. The following is a brief explanation of the aims and expectations the Academy holds in terms of home-based learning:
Homework is defined as any work that pupils are asked to undertake outside of lesson time, either on their own, or with the aid of parents and carers. Therefore, homework is not always required to be completed at home, but also during school homework clubs. We see work completed outside of lesson time as a valuable part of a pupil’s learning. Homework is set by teachers using Microsoft Teams and may make use of other online platforms for which the Academy has a subscription.
The purpose of homework at Worden
The school regards the purpose of homework as being to:
• Provide learners with the opportunity to work on an activity that is relevant to learning outcomes, or that contributes to gaining qualifications/accreditations.
• Develop an effective partnership between the school, parents, carers in pursuing the academic aims of the school and the development of the child.
• Consolidate and strengthen knowledge and understanding prior to the following lesson.
• Extend learning across the curriculum, for example through additional reading.
• Encourage pupils as they get older to develop the confidence, self-discipline and independence to develop organisational skills.
We hope that our pupils feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and their efforts recognised and praised both at school and home. In this respect, through the use of our reward system we hope to recognise achievement and most importantly, effort.
Microsoft Teams
Parents are able to see homework assigned to pupils by their subject teachers using the School Connection app in Microsoft Teams for iOS and Android devices.
What is the School Connection app?
The School Connection app in Microsoft Teams empowers parents and guardians to engage, support, and monitor their student's learning at school.
To do so, parents need to download the Teams app on their mobile device. Please note, School Connection is only available on Teams iOS app, and Teams Android app.
Parents will need to login to the Microsoft Teams mobile app with the same personal email address as the one shared with school. Please be aware that if your email address shared with the school is a workplace Office 365 account, it will not work with Teams. If this is the case, please provide us with an email address that is not a workplace Office 365 account to be take advantage of this.