At the end of their Spring term, we invite all Year 10 pupils to consider applying for a role as Prefect. The Prefect structure contains a range of roles and responsibilities and we encourage all pupils to aspire to fill one of these positions.  




The role of Prefect is an important one and if chosen pupils will be accepting a position of considerable responsibility. It is also a very exciting one and will give the opportunity to develop leadership skills and have significant influence on the daily life of the school.

As such prefects are expected to perform many roles some of which are listed below. 

  1. Provide a role model to which other pupils should aspire.
  2. Meet the highest standards of politeness, courtesy, dress, attendance and punctuality.
  3. Represent the school at important events throughout the year e.g. Open Evening, New Intake days, Awards’ Evening, Parents evenings, School productions etc.
  4. Attend meetings with the Pastoral staff as appropriate.
  5. Help to lead promotional activities for the school, including charity events. 
  6. Carry out regular duties at lunch and breaktime as required.
  7. Be proactive in assisting the smooth running of the school outside lesson times. 
  8. To act as a specific supportive role model to allocated tutor groups and assist with the delivery of registration activities. 
  9. Act as a buddy to pupils who have asked for help and support.
  10. To report any issues to the Senior Prefects.

Pupils applying to be a prefect should demonstrate: 

  • That they are a positive role model to other pupils with regard to effort, conduct and commitment to the ethos of the school. 
  • High levels of maturity and initiative.
  • Their excellent record of attendance and punctuality. 
  • That they are enthusiastic and highly motivated and have a good working knowledge of the school their commitment to the wider life of the school and the ability to carry out the role.
  • That they have good organisational, communication and interpersonal skills.

The application process 

  • Pupils wishing to apply for a role as prefect must complete and return an application form during the application window.
  • Pupils wishing to apply for a Senior Prefect Position are invited to complete the additional form specifying which role(s) they are applying for and their suitability for the post. 
  • The process for Head and Deputy Head Prefect roles will include a speech to their year group and pupil ballot, staff vote and interview with the Headteacher and representatives of SLT.
  • The process for Senior Prefect positions will include an interview with the Headteacher and representatives of SLT.
  • A pupil’s school behaviour record, attendance record and commitment to the extra-curricular life of school will be taken into account during the application process.  

Updated: 04/04/2024 227 KB
Updated: 04/04/2024 229 KB