Ofsted Report

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Following our latest, two day, visit from Ofsted we are proud to share their conclusion that, “Academy@Worden continues to be a good school.”

Erica Sharman, one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors, and Jean Tarry, Ofsted Inspector, spent the first day talking to Heads of Faculty, visiting lessons, meeting with staff and pupils and looking at pupils' work.

The second day saw Erica Sharman in further discussions with pupils and school leaders, contacting external providers and undertaking meetings with our school advisor and governors. During her feedback at the end of the second day, everyone present felt exceptionally proud as they listened to her words of praise for the school and all its stakeholders.

The Ofsted report, which comes in the form of a letter, is extremely positive and reflects the outstanding work that goes on daily at Worden to ensure our pupils make the best possible progress in subjects across our broad and balanced curriculum. The letter recognises our high expectations and ambition for all our youngsters. Some key phrases in the inspection finding are:

“This is a happy and welcoming school… pupils behave well.”

“Teachers make sure that pupils are safe in school. Pupils say that there is someone to talk to if they have a problem.”

“Teachers have high expectations for all pupils. Pupils work hard. Leaders are ambitious for pupils’ learning. Pupils enjoy reading in school. Pupils value their school council.”

“Leadership has been strengthened since the last inspection. There is a strong and enthusiastic leadership team. Leaders have brought about improvement in all areas of the curriculum.”

“Leaders have improved outcomes for pupils in the GCSE examinations. The progress that pupils make by the time they leave Year 11 is now higher than the national average.”

“Leaders have made productive links to other schools in the area. Teachers work together across these schools to share good practice.”

“Leaders and teachers have thought carefully about what pupils need to know. They order learning so that knowledge builds as pupils work through the curriculum. Teachers use assessment effectively to fill gaps in pupils’ learning.”

“Leaders ensure that pupils’ personal development is well catered for. Pupils are taught how to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. Pupils are also taught the importance of healthy relationships. They learn about other cultures.”

Once again, we would like to thank the school community and our friends for all the support they have given Worden to ensure we maintain our high standards and expectations.

View the latest Academy@Worden Ofsted Report

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