'Remote Learning' refers to the provision of work, teacher support, assessment, and feedback from teachers to pupils in addition to and beyond that which occur 'face-to face'.

Situations where this policy may apply include:
•    Individual pupils unable to attend school due to a period of advised self-isolation but who otherwise remain well.
•    Individual pupils unable to attend school due to a period of advised shielding for those deemed to be extreme clinical risk, but who otherwise remain well (in these cases a current shielding letter will have been issued by the NHS).
•    Whole year groups or 'bubbles' unable to attend school due to a period of advised self-isolation but otherwise remain well.
•    An extended period of whole school closure.
•    Pupil exclusion.

This policy does not apply in situations such as:
•    A pupil who is absent from school without prior authorisation from the school, with or without parental permission, e.g. a family holiday taken in term time.
•    A parental decision to absent their child as a precaution against an outbreak of infectious disease but contrary to official medical advice from Public Health England, the UK Government, or the World Health Organisation.

In the event of the situations outlined above where this policy applies, the school is committed to providing a continuity of 'quality first' education which enables the pupils to grow.

Our guiding principles for remote education are outlined below:
•    Learning and Teaching will continue to be 'quality first'.
•    Learning and Teaching will continue to develop pupils.
•    Pupils will have meaningful and ambitious work each day in several different subjects.
•    Pupils will continue to have access to a planned and well-sequenced curriculum.
•    Teachers will provide frequent, clear explanations of new content using suitable platforms e.g., via a teacher in the school or through the direction to high-quality curriculum resources or videos.
•    Teachers will continue to gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using a range of Assessment for Learning strategies and other suitable tasks.
•    Work will be checked, and feedback will be given where necessary.
•    Teachers will adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments.

Updated: 16/05/2024 878 KB

Remote learning policy