Pupil Voice, Democracy and our School Council

Our School Council is led by our Heads of School Council, who form part of our Pupil Leadership Team.  

Our School Council comprises one elected representative from each of our form groups and members represent their views in our regular Council meetings.  

Our School Council Intent: 

‘Our intent is to promote pride, spirit, service and achievement. We stand to serve both the school and our community so that all students are represented, have a voice and can help shape our school. We want our pupils to feel safe, happy and are able to contribute towards the wider community and society’. 
‘We intend to build character and support personal development within the school through our work with charities, leadership events and providing solutions to challenges encountered’.

‘Working with the senior leadership team, the pupil leadership group and the school’s governing body, we aim to empower every pupil to be heard and help make change’. 


During 2023-24,our School Council has been developing their understanding of Fundamental British Values and Citizenship.
We have looked at showing initiative and developed our understanding of how we can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.

We have looked at democracy and how to support participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in Britain.

In October 2023 we hosted MP Katharine Fletcher to the Academy to open our new library and to take part in a Question Time event hosted and led by our School Council.  The existing members of the School Council have also supported in the democratic process of electing representatives for Year 7 forms in the Autumn term.  

In January, the full School Council visited the Houses of Parliament to see our MP Katharine Fletcher in the Great Hall and to learn more about the process of democracy in the UK.  

Council members have also led a range of charity initiatives and collected for our local foodbanks as well as playing a role in the recruitment process of school.